Eurosstat have a package DEMETRA which is a free user-friendly
interface to Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima for automated applications.
You can download it from

It was very useful when i used an earlier version.

Best Regards

|John Frain

2009/4/27 yinung at Gmail <yinung.cycu(a)>:
> In gretl console under Windows, I type the commands what follows that
> ? print "@tramo"
> C:\Program Files\tramo\tramo.exe
> ? print "@tramodir"
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\gretl\tramo
> These paths do exist.
> Thanks
> Yi-Nung
> 2009/4/27 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
>> On Sun, 26 Apr 2009, yinung at Gmail wrote:
>> > I downloaded "tramo.inp" and testes it. But gretl responds
>> >
>> >
>> > Read datafile C:\Program Files\gretl-1.8.0x3\data\data9-7.gdt
>> > periodicity: 4, maxobs: 64,
>> > observations range: 1975:1-1990:4
>> >
>> > Listing 12 variables:
>> >   0) const     1) QNC       2) PRICE     3) INCOME    4) PRIME
>> >   5) UNEMP     6) STOCK     7) POP       8) WINTER    9) SPRING
>> >  10) SUMMER   11) FALL
>> >
>> > ? QNC_adj = tramolin(QNC)
>> > Data file is empty...
>> It looks as if tramo hasn't written any output, or perhaps gretl
>> is looking for it in the wrong place.  What do you get if you do
>> print "@tramo"
>> print "@tramodir"
>> (in a script or in the gretl console)?
>> Allin Cottrell
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John C Frain
Economics Department
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

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