On Wed, 5 Aug 2009, Allin Cottrell wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, artur tarassow wrote:
> > is there any possibility to test a restriction of the kind
> > b[4]/b[2]=b[3]/b[2] using the wald-test?
> > If I read the manual correctly it does not seem to be implemented. Or
> > does there exist an alternative to test this kind of restriction?

[ ... ]

> If the original model was estimated via OLS, the restricted one
> could be estimated via NLS.  Then construct an F-test based on the
> difference between the restricted and unrestricted sums of squared
> residuals.

Hmm, actually you'd be on firmer ground using the chi-square form:

chi-square(J) = T * (SSRr - SSRu) / SSRu

where J = number of restrictions and T = sample size.

Allin Cottrell

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