Henrique wrote:
> *Question 2*
> Is it possible to insert some instruction on a Gretl script file in 
> order to make Gretl recognize what operational system it is running on? 
> More specifically, I would like to make a script to use on both of my 
> computers (Windows based and OS/X based). Something like this:
> If the operational system is Windows do this: ...
> If the operational system is OS/X do this: ...

AFAIK you can only discriminate betweeen UNIXish systems (OS/X, Linux) 
and Windows systems. To give you an impression, I have attached a small 
script which uses the $windows variable in order to offer some file 
routines in a platform independent manner to gretl scripts.


Attachment: system.inp
Description: chemical/gamess-input

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