On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, Henrique wrote:

> *Question 1*
> To save a OLS model with a specific name I can use *Example1 <-
> ols x1 const x2 x3 --robust --quiet*, but if I would like to
> name the model as Example 1 (with a space between Example and
> 1), according to Gretl manual, I can write *"Example 1" <- ols
> x1 const x2 x3 --robust --quiet*, am I correct? When a proceed
> in that way I get an error message. The only way it works is
> without the options *--robust --quiet*.

That was a bug, now fixed in CVS.

> *Question 2*
> Is it possible to insert some instruction on a Gretl script file
> in order to make Gretl recognize what operational system it is
> running on? More specifically, I would like to make a script to
> use on both of my computers (Windows based and OS/X based).

You have the accessor $windows,

? help $windows

Output:     scalar

Returns 1 if gretl is running on MS Windows, otherwise 0. By
conditioning on the value of this variable you can write shell
calls that are portable across different operating systems.

We don't have a specific indicator for OS X.

Allin Cottrell

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