On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, Talha Yalta wrote:

> 2)- It would be really neat if there is an option for the model
> table that makes it possible to set the number of digits or
> decimal places for the coefficients as well as se's and whether
> t stats will be shown etc. For example, I have a table with 8
> models which could be much smaller if I show 3 digits.

Fair enough.  I've added a "Reformat" button to the menu bar for
the model table window which lets you set the number of
significant figures to print (as well as switch between std errors
and t-stats).  Since it's now redundent, I've removed the
"Options" menu item from the right-click popup for the model table

> Also related, the LaTeX output for the model table uses hardcoded
> \footnotesize commands for each standard error value. If I need to
> make the whole table smaller, these remain unchanged resulting in a
> weird looking table...

I've made this a macro: the standard errors/t-stats are now
printed at \subsize.  This is defined as \footnotesize by default
but you can change it in the TeX file if you want.


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