2010/5/3 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu>:
> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, denis joubert wrote:
>> Using libgretl 1.8.7, with heteroscedacity function, i got the error :
>> "Weight variable is all zeros, aborting regression"
>> but when i add one observations it works or some observations added later it
>> does the same error, more observations later same it works and
>> so on...
> The test libgretl was using for "weights all zero" was not really
> appropriate: it was that the sum of squares of the weight series
> equals machine zero. I've now modified this in CVS and your
> example runs. (The weights are extremely small, but not literally
> zero.)

thanks, i will get the cvs version :)

> However, the example is rather odd and this may explain gretl's
> complaints. The auxiliary regression for hsk estimation produces a
> perfect fit with the original dataset (T = 226), since you have
> 151 usable observations and 151 regressors (75 lags, 75 squares of
> lags, plus constant). Adding another observation gives one degree
> of freedom to the auxiliary regression, which seems to help
> matters.

the 151 observations with 151 regressors is only an example of the
problem i got, with 210 observations or more i got the same problem (I
added 1 observations at a time, and more I add observations more the
problem shows up)

does it mean i don't need to use hsk and should use only the auxiliary
regression function in order to predict next values ?

> Allin Cottrell
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