HI Allin and Sven,

thanks for your reply.

If you find some time it would be nice if you can have a look on it.

I will have a look on your idea. Actually, it seems to be a good idea to 
separate the functions.


Am 10.05.2010 10:21, schrieb Sven Schreiber:
> Hi Artur,
> thanks for your girf work!
> Artur T. schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> I found some time to improve my gretl programming skills a little bit
>> and improved the function for the GIRF. I've got still some issues with
>> it. Maybe somebody is interested to help me with it...
>> 1. The results seem to be ok from my perspective. Since I cannot compare
>> them at the moment, maybe someone is interested in checking the code.
> sorry, don't have the time currently to do a cross-check
> In general I would think about splitting the function in at least two
> parts:
> one, say getGIRF(), which does the computations and returns a matrix of
> the girfs (ok, probably actually a matrix of stacked girfs since we have
> three dimensions here: shock, target, horizon).
> And another one, say plotGIRF() which takes the matrix from getGIRF(),
> plots it somehow, and doesn't return anything (same as your function).
> That way you or somebody else can reuse getGIRF() in other applications
> where you may want to do something more with the GIRFS (check the signs
> in a script, bootstrap, or whatever).
>> 2. I would like to add an output describing which is the shock variable
>> and which are the responses for the generated matrix. Something like:
>> Responses of the respective variables to a shock in Variable 1.
>> Period    Variable 1 Variable 2 ...
>> 1                    0.03        0.9
> Something like this?:
> numofvars = nelem(Y)
> loop for i=1..numofvars # loop over shock origins
> printf "Responses of the respective variables \
> to a shock in Variable %d\n", i
> printf "Period    "
> loop for j=1..numofvars
>      printf "Variable %d    ", j
> endloop
> printf "\n"
> loop for j=1..horizon
>      printf "%d         ", j
>      loop for k=1..numofvars  # loop over target vars
>          printf " %f  ", girfmatrix[i, k*j]
>          # (girfmatrix defined elsewhere)
>          # (and number of blanks needs adjustment)
>      endloop # target loop
>      printf "\n"
> endloop # horizon loop
> printf "\n"
> endloop # origin loop
>> 2. I wrote the function in such a way that it estimates a VAR system and
>> then conducts the GIRF. Since you can have all those additional options
>> like --nc --trend --robust and so on, the function would be quite big to
>> consider all those cases. So, is it maybe reasonable to call the
>> function after one has estimated the VAR by the conventional way and
>> then calling the function?
> Not for turning it into a function package at some point, I'd say.
> Adding the various options later is easy, and the extra code is
> straightforward. So IMHO it won't be a problem if it will be a bit lengthy.
>> 3. I also would like to improve the plotting. I want to plot the
>> responses of all variables to a specific shock within one graph. For
>> example, if I have three variables which are shocked, the plot command
>> must be "gnuplot 1 2 3 --time-series..." where 1 2 3 denote the
>> corresponding columns of the response matrix. Is there a way to
>> generalize this in such a way that one can type in the corresponding
>> numbers of coulumns one wants to plot in the "function-gui" or just to
>> plot all columns which equals the number of endogenous variables?
> There are many combinations and thus I don't think it makes much sense
> to make it a GUI option. I haven't checked thoroughly, but I'm not aware
> of a way to construct the gnuplot command where the number of columns is
> unknown at coding time. (Apart from having many if-blocks and separate
> gnuplot commands for all cases, of course.) Maybe the gnuplot command in
> gretl could be extended with a syntax to plot *all* columns of a matrix?
> cheers,
> sven
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