Hi Allin,
I tried to enable gui in order to build shared modules but it doesn't
work with the present sources (checkout today).
It failed on gui2/gtksourceview and no shared librairies can not be
build into plugin (i tried launching make alone in this) and got this
message again :
"libtool: link: warning: undefined symbols not allowed in
i686-pc-cygwin shared libraries"
Are you on holiday yet ? hope it is/was good :-)

best regards,


2010/6/2 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu>:
> On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, denis joubert wrote:
>> the DLL are not compiled under the plugins directory, only .a
>> and .la are created. It spoke about undefined references when
>> attempting to create shared librairies in the build process. (i
>> use --disable-gui )
> Sorry for the slow-motion responses, but I'm on holiday at
> present. I suspect that --disable-gui is the problem here, since a
> few of the plugins do in fact depend on GUI code. I'll have to do
> some testing of the Windows build.
> Allin Cottrell
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