I'm responding to several recent posts by Sven and Ioannis.

1) I accept Sven's point that "eiggen2" is not a great name for the revised (to deal with native complex matrices) variant of the old "eigengen" function. In git, I've now renamed eiggen2() to eigen(), and revised the doc accordingly. But for the present I've retained "eiggen2" as an alias since I was concerned about breaking the ghosts and/or DFM packages.

2) I accept Ioannis's point that the new functions Re() and Im() might reasonably be applied to real matrices as well as complex ones. Given real input, Re() would return a copy of the input and Im() would return an appropriately sized zero matrix. That too is now in git.

3) I'm not so sure about Sven's suggestion that (if I'm understanding him right) sqrt(M), for M a real matrix with some negative elements, should return an appropriate complex matrix. It's clearly defensible, but it might produce surprising/puzzling results in some cases so I think it requires further discussion.

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