Am 30.09.20 um 11:16 schrieb Filipe Costa:
The model appears in the session icons. Now save the session and close Gretl. 
Then reopen the session and you'll see the following message:

1 session object(s) could not be rebuilt.

And then the model isn't there on the session icons. My gretl version is 2020d 
running on Arch Linux.

Right, I see what you mean. As further output on stderr I get:

parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
ERR = kfilter(&kb)


(where the caret ^ is under the closing parenthesis)

From the outside it looks like a relatively easy-to-fix bug...

In the meantime you could perhaps save the $model bundle to a file with
the bwrite() function and later read it back in with bread(). Don't know
if that serves your ultimate purpose.

thanks for the report

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