Am 01.10.20 um 10:40 schrieb Filipe Costa:
Glad to help uncover any bug Allin!

I think I'm not able to install the update from git on Arch (eventually I don't have the 
skill). Any workaround on the code that can make it work if the session is saved and reopened 
later? You wrote about the unescaped "&" as being the problem. What can I do 
there exactly?

The .gretl session files are "just" a gzipped collection of XML files
AFAIK. So unzip the myfile.gretl archive file to get a folder; inside
that folder there should be a "model.1" file, and inside that file you
have the problematic line with the unescape ampersand:

ERR = kfilter(&kb)

I _think_ it should be enough the replace the "&" with the corresponding
xml code: "&" (without the quotes). Then save the file and gzip the
whole previously extracted folder again into a .gretl archive file; try
to reload with gretl.


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