
I confirm: in Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 the path to Symbol font in 
/devpdf/download is wrong. The path fix indeed results in embedding all fonts 
in case of compilation as

groff -Tpdf -P-e ...

Now the question, what if we compile with pdfroff ...?
It does not support -e option and does not embed Symbol into PDF. Since pdfroff 
is devps-based and internally must be using the ps2pdf, it may be a matter of 
inernal tuning of ps2pdf command to make it embed all fonts.


On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 15:46:00 +0000
Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Piotr,
> > A potential problem with GROFF/ghostscript is that it DOES NOT embed
> > the Symbol font even with the -P-e option. I wish the developers could
> > check this.
> groff 1.22.4-1 on Arch Linux.  I tried -e and found groff could no
> longer find the Symbol font to embed.  Investigation showed the fix and
> I now think it does.
>     $ troff -Tpdf <<<'\(ra' | gropdf | pdffonts -
>     name         type      encoding         emb sub uni object ID
>     ------------ --------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
>     Symbol       Type 1    Custom           no  no  no       5  0
>     $
>     $ troff -Tpdf <<<'\(ra' | gropdf -e | pdffonts -
>     Failed to open 
> '/usr/share/ghostscript/9.26/Resource/Font/StandardSymbolsPS'
>     Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
>     Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
>     Syntax Error: Couldn't read xref table
>     $
>     $ pkgfile -v StandardSymbolsPS
>     extra/ghostscript 9.27-2    
> /usr/share/ghostscript/9.27/Resource/Font/StandardSymbolsPS
>     $ </usr/share/ghostscript/9.27/Resource/Font/StandardSymbolsPS
>     $
>     $ cd /usr/share/groff/1.22.4/font/devpdf
>     $ grep Symbol download
>           Symbol  */usr/share/ghostscript/9.26/Resource/Font/StandardSymbolsPS
>     $ sudo sed -i 's,ghostscript/9.26,ghostscript/9.27,' download
>     $
>     $ troff -Tpdf <<<'\(ra' | gropdf -e | pdffonts -
>     name         type      encoding         emb sub uni object ID
>     ------------ --------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
>     Symbol       Type 1    Custom           yes no  no       5  0
>     $
> -- 
> Cheers, Ralph.

С уважением,
Пётр Петров
Piotr Piatrou <p.piat...@dragon.bas-net.by> +375 291656636
Институт Физики, Национальная Академия Наук Беларуси

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