Hi Marc,

>     locate -bei StandardSymbolsPS
>         /usr/share/ghostscript/9.27/Resource/Font/StandardSymbolsPS
> you fixed this by seding the download file which doesn't exist in the
> debian distro. i can't purge groff as it will uninstall a lot packages
> so what i did is
>     dpkg-reconfigure -plow groff
>     apt reinstall groff
> so i worked around:
>     sudo ln -s /usr/share/ghostscript/9.2{7,6}

Glad you got things sorted.

> Now i feel this is worth filing 2 bugs on the debian tracker:
> * troff should use the current version of ghostscript

I'd guess so.

Debian's groff maintainer, Colin Watson, is a subscriber here, and may
pipe up soon.

Cheers, Ralph.

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