Dear all,

I am creating a topology file for hydroxide, closely following the parameters from the paper by Wolf et al:

This is somewhat similar to the polarisable hydroxide topology that was included in the recent SWM4-NDP force field.

In this non-polarisable topology, I would like to know what atomic number should one label for the OH-OV2 type atom, as it was defined as a virtual site (but with 1 a.m.u assigned) in the paper's supporting material. I have labeled the atomic number with "X" as below:

[ atomtypes ]

;name   at.num  mass    charge  ptype   sigma   epsilon

OH-O    8       11.9980         -1.32   A       0.00            0.00

OH-H    1       1.00800          0.00   A       0.14            0.2150576

OH-OV1  0       0.00000          0.00   D       0.2916          0.2150576

OH-OV2  X       1.00000          0.00   A       0.25            0.2150576

OH-qH   0       0.00000          0.32   D       0.00            0.00

Can an atom (ptype=A) have zero at.num?


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