On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Paul Francis <fran...@mpi-sws.org> wrote:
> Thanks Seiichi,
> I googled around myself as well, and found
> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-43/presentations/ripe43-routing-flap.pdf
> as well as the original sigomm paper.
> The objections with RFP have almost entirely to do with inter-domain

'RFP' or 'RFD' ?? (D I think you meant)

> effects.  The "damping" of a flapping VP-route is of course entirely
> intra-domain, so earlier objections with RFP don't apply here.

hopefully you hold the VA routes up on something that won't flap :)
though certainly if you have damping enabled and links from edge->core
flap you/ll see this effect, no?

> Perhaps I should have chosen a different term than RFP in the talk.  I
> took it for granted that people would see that it is a different situation
> (RFP is meant to deal with frequently flapping remote links, I was merely

it's actually (D again, not P) meant to lower the CPU churn cost, no
matter the source of the route update.

> suggesting that a vendor implementing VA might need to take into
> consideration the load that would occur if for some unfortunate reason an
> ARP was flapping).

how would the device know a VA route from any other? 'community'? some
other toggle/attribute? How do you disambiguate that from something
set elsewere to the same value?


> grow-boun...@ietf.org wrote on 11/11/2009 02:14:03 AM:
>> From: Seiichi Kawamura <kawamu...@mesh.ad.jp>
>> To: grow@ietf.org
>> Cc: ja...@puck.nether.net
>> Date: 11/11/2009 02:14 AM
>> Subject: [GROW] dampening
>> Sent by: grow-boun...@ietf.org
>> Hash: SHA1
>> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-378.html
>> I think this is what Jared was referring to.
>> Seiichi
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