
I have been working on this for a while now as time permits. I have posted a new version of:
Filename:	 draft-kirkham-private-ip-sp-cores
Revision:	 03
Title:		 Issues with Private IP Addressing in the Internet
Creation_date:	 2011-04-15
WG ID:		 Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 12
I'd appreciate any thoughts and feedback.

Regards and thanks in advance,
Tony K


Anthony Kirkham
Solution Architect

World Wide Security
Service Practice
Phone: +61 (0)7 3238 8203
Mobile: +61 (0)401 890 494

CISSP, CCIE# - 1378

Level 12, 300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane, Qld, 4000
Cisco home page


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