On 1/13/17 2:53 PM, Job Snijders wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 02:28:23PM -0800, joel jaeggli wrote:
>> On 1/13/17 1:54 PM, Marco Marzetti wrote:
>>> <rant>
>>> Every time one suggests a change related to the IXPs world we spend
>>> days arguing if it affects the neutrality and how. Do we really
>>> need that?
>>> </rant>
>>> Anyway, i can't see why IXPs can blackhole traffic (if the
>>> destination requests it), but cannot do the same with prefixes.
>>> After all if a prefix is invalid the owner requested it to be
>>> verified by the other parties.
>> In general the consequences for IX operator that either allows it
>> customers to attack each other over the exchange route-server or does
>> so itself seems severe. Loss of confidence in the disposition of one's
>> own routes seems like immediate grounds for depeering. If the routes
>> remain afterwards with the short as path; the operator is engaged in
>> prefix hijakcing.
>> I personally find it dubious that I would choose to honor a third
>> parties efforts at origin validation if I did not myself validate them
>> but a signal from the exchange that it did validate the origin or that
>> there an invalid roa floating around is at a minimum very interesting.
> I still don't understand how there can be a justification as to why it
> would be OK for route servers to redistribute poisonous routes and say
> "trust me its OK i added a community!", and we expect some different
> behaviour from 'the rest of the AS's'?
> In a case like this 
> http://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2017-January/089823.html,
> assuming a ROA had existed for, what would've been the
> appropiate response from any AS involved (including route servers)?
>     A) "its fine, i tagged it with a community and amplified the problem
>     by propagating it to all my peers"
>     B) "the buck stops with me, the invalid route will not be propagated by 
> me"
> At the very least, i'd prefer the default mode should be a secure mode,
> not a 'scientifically interesting' mode.
I do wonder about the rational for saying "this is invalid, but here you go"

if I'm validating ROAs and my posture is that I don't accept routes with
invalid ROAS then I'm not taking any action on the basis of this
community. If I don't  validate, I'm not taking any action on the basis
of this community.
> Kind regards,
> Job

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