
On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 12:28:55AM +0000, Tim Evens (tievens) wrote:
> Noisy and likely duplicate/wasteful, yes??? if one configures every peer to 
> send Adj-RIB-Out
> for peers that convey the same data, to which is likely not what folks will 
> do or what I would
> recommend doing.  

The use case I have is "I want to see how routes from customer <x> end
up being sent to DECIX" - which technically is a peer-group with 100+
peers in.

Monitoring a given peer is not really useful here (that peer could be 
down) - monitoring *all* peers will give way more data than I want (I can
collapse it again afterwards, but why eat up CPU etc. for no benefit).

So "peer group" is exactly matching my use case.

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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