The note that the paper was no longer accessible at the USC link was surprising.

Even more surprising was this note on a USC CS site:

Technical Reports
The Department of Computer Science no longer publishes technical reports to 
this website. All CS faculty and students should consider using a reputable 
computer science research archive to publish their reports. We recommend: arXiv 
Computer Science

A digital archive of all past reports previously hosted by the department will 
be made available in the near future.

And another page from the IT Services saying they were retiring their web 
hosting server because, after all, Wordpress is available.

On the basis of only a bit of research, the paper was indeed a USC technical 
report, it is still available at,
 and the citeseerx sites says it was previously available at  The ftp site 
still exists and answers pings, but does not answer ftp.  (It is a cname to the 
previously mentioned about to be retired web hosting server.)

A university abandoning publication of its research and, at least right now, 
not even sustaining the archive of its former publications.  Ugh.


> On May 23, 2018, at 1:09 PM, Nick Hilliard <> wrote:
> This errata report isn't wrong, but belongs to a bigger category of problems 
> relating to how the IETF handles third party references in RFCs.
> It's unlikely that the researchgate url will be persistent in the longer 
> term, at least any more than any other URL.
> Nick
> RFC Errata System wrote:
>> The following errata report has been submitted for RFC7948,
>> "Internet Exchange BGP Route Server Operations".
>> --------------------------------------
>> You may review the report below and at:
>> --------------------------------------
>> Type: Technical
>> Reported by: Greg Skinner <>
>> Section: 6.2
>> Original Text
>> -------------
>> [RS-ARCH]  Govindan, R., Alaettinoglu, C., Varadhan, K., and D.
>>            Estrin, "A Route Server Architecture for Inter-Domain
>>            Routing", 1995,
>>            <>.
>> Corrected Text
>> --------------
>> [RS-ARCH]  Govindan, R., Alaettinoglu, C., Varadhan, K., and D.
>>            Estrin, "A Route Server Architecture for Inter-Domain
>>            Routing", 1995,
>> <
>> publication/
>> 2297181_A_Route_Server_Architecture_for_Inter-Domain_Routing>
>> Notes
>> -----
>> The paper is no longer accessible from the site.  A related 
>> paper can be accessed at by 
>> those who are registered members or will pay for the paper.  It would be 
>> cited as:
>> [RS-ARCH]  Govindan, R., Alaettinoglu, C., Varadhan, K., and D.
>>                   Estrin, "A Route Server Architecture for Inter-Domain
>>                   Routing", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Volume 30,
>>                   Issue 12, 13 July 1998, Pages 1157-1174,
>>                   <>.
>> Sorry, I had to split the link in the corrected text to satisfy the 
>> 72-character line length requirement in the corrected text.
>> Instructions:
>> -------------
>> This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please
>> use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
>> rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party
>> can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary.
>> --------------------------------------
>> RFC7948 (draft-ietf-grow-ix-bgp-route-server-operations-05)
>> --------------------------------------
>> Title               : Internet Exchange BGP Route Server Operations
>> Publication Date    : September 2016
>> Author(s)           : N. Hilliard, E. Jasinska, R. Raszuk, N. Bakker
>> Category            : INFORMATIONAL
>> Source              : Global Routing Operations
>> Area                : Operations and Management
>> Stream              : IETF
>> Verifying Party     : IESG
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