On a side note, since the stable URL point is mentioned multiple times, it 
seems to me that the IETF is already capable of providing a stable URL 
including for draft. e.g.


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: GROW [mailto:grow-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Job Snijders
 > Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 3:27 PM
 > To: grow@ietf.org
 > Subject: [GROW] Notes on GROW "Living Document on routing security" meeting
 > Dear GROW,
 > As discussed in the GROW meeting yesterday, today a few folks met up to
 > discuss the concept of a 'Living Document'. Yesterday's presentation can
 > be reviewed here: https://youtu.be/XvVe2-51CQM?t=2322
 > [ TL;DR - we'll start writing in internet-draft format, treat the XML as
 > a software, use issues/pull requests through github, and by the time we
 > feel a first revision can be published we hope IETF can facilitate an
 > appropiate publication. ]
 > Below are my notes:
 > present:
 >     Warren Kumari (Ops AD), Nathalie Trenaman (participant),
 >     Alissa Cooper (IETF chair), Alice Russo (RFC Editor),
 >     Christoper Morrow (GROW chair), Job Snijders (GROW chair)
 > Todo items:
 > (job) write up a description of the experiment, document why rfcs or
 > drafts are not entirely suitable.
 > Nathalie shared some experience from RIPE NCC's training material
 > development process, for each Living Document we should specify:
 >     o scope
 >     o goals
 >     o audience
 > There should be an appendix that summarizes the changes between
 > revisions, so that people familiar with an earlier revision can catch up
 > more easily.
 > Expectations from IETF:
 >     o new stream/series? "living documents" (under label "experiment"?)
 >     o boilerplate texts, that describe what the document is and what kind
 >       of review took place (no IESG, no IETF last call, etc..)
 >     o stable URLs
 >     o consider what this should look and feel like (RFC like? memo like?)
 >     o consider what (if?) the datatracker needs to be do
 > review process per revision:
 >     o working group last call-ish
 >     o informal ietf review
 >     o routing directorate
 > Alice mentioned that perhaps we can take a look at W3C how they manage
 > and publish their living documents.
 > Alissa noted that this entire project should be considered an experiment
 > and not more.
 > In general security related themes may be suitable for this type of
 > document, as in security things change relatively quick compared to
 > protocol specifications.
 > GROW can start working on this now, I expect that perhaps in 6 to 9
 > months we have a 20-30 page document, so by then the IETF can facilitate
 > stable URLs.
 > Kind regards,
 > Job
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 > GROW mailing list
 > GROW@ietf.org
 > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/grow


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