Hi All,

As I mentioned in the other thread, I think it was a mistake for Peer Up and 
Initiation to share a namespace in RFC 7854. The fact that it's difficult to 
get the text right in draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib demonstrates this.

My suggestion is that we separate the namespaces. I've written and submitted a 
short draft to do it, draft-scudder-grow-bmp-peer-up-00.txt [1]. It seemed the 
most expedient way to describe the suggested approach. If the WG likes the 
idea, we can adopt it, or if the WG wants to fix it a different way, let's 

An alternate solution would be to embrace the Information TLV as a namespace 
that's shared between multiple messages (the implication in 
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib that the Information TLV could be included in 
Peer Down suggests that's what the authors imagine would happen). I don't 
prefer this because it requires enumeration of exceptions ("foo Information 
type only applies when carried in such-and-such BMP message type..."). 
Independent namespaces ends up being a little wordier but less error-prone, IMO.



[1] https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-scudder-grow-bmp-peer-up-00.txt
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