Hi Warren,

Thank you so much for the review.   We agree with those changes. We have made 
the requested changes, but we cannot submit them until after Mar-8th.  Until 
then, I have attached a text diff output.  You can also see the changes at 
https://github.com/TimEvens/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-loc-rib.  You can compare tag 


On 2/22/21, 9:27 AM, "Warren Kumari" <war...@kumari.net> wrote:

Hi authors and WG,

Thank you for this document, I believe that allowing BMP to share Loc-RIB is 
clearly a good thing.

I do have a few comments/nits that addressing now should help the IETF
LC and IESG eval go more smoothly.

Please SHOUT loudly once you've had a chance to address these.

AD Review of draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib

1: "As shown in Figure 2, Locally originated section 9.4 of [RFC4271]"
I'm unable to parse this - changing "As shown in Figure 2, Locally originated" 
into "As shown in Figure 2, Locally Originated into Loc-RIB, ..." doesn't fix 
it, because the figure doesn't really "show what Sec 9.4 of RFC4271" says.
Perhaps something like: "Figure 2 (Locally Originated into Loc-RIB) illustrates 
how redistributed or otherwise originated routes get installed into the Loc-RIB 
based on the decision process selection in [RFC4271]"

2: In Section 1.1 the document says things like: "The current method introduces 
the need..."
Once the document is published, the phrase "the current method" seems 
incorrect, but I don't have a better suggestion...

3: "Locally sourced routes MUST be conveyed using the Loc-RIB instance peer 
Should this be "locally sourced BGP routes"? It would be silly to think that 
this might carry e.g OSPF only routes, but you have a MUST, so important to be 
This also seems to conflict with "The F flag indicates that the Loc-RIB is 
filtered". Perhaps that above is better worded something like:
"If locally sourced routes are communicated using BMP, they MUST be conveyed 
using the Loc-RIB instance peer type." ?

4: " The Loc-RIB contains all routes selected by the BGP protocol Decision 
Process section 9.1 of [RFC4271]."
Similar to #1 - perhaps this is just missing a "in section of..."? Still needs 

5: "These routes include those learned from BGP peers via its Adj-RIBs-In 
post-policy, as well as routes learned by other means section 9.4 of [RFC4271]."
Similar -- I suspect that there was an errant search and replace which 
clobbered some text?

6: "Peer AS: Set to the BGP instance global or default ASN value."
Erm, what's this default ASN value?

7: "5.1.  Per-Peer Header"
I think that this section needs a pointer to RFC7854 Sec 4.2.

8: "Capabilities MUST include 4-octet ASN"
s/include 4/include the 4/

9: "For example, prefix<> is updated "
Please use RFC5737 examples instead.

1: "This is overly complex for such a simple application that only needed to 
have access to the Loc-RIB."

2: It can greatly reduce time to troubleshoot and resolve issues if operators 
had the history of Loc-RIB changes.

3: "BGP Instance: it refers to an"

Perhaps they really do strive for incomprehensibility in their specs.
After all, when the liturgy was in Latin, the laity knew their place.
-- Michael Padlipsky
diff --git a/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.txt 
index 2a3d66f..2f69495 100644
--- a/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.txt
+++ b/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.txt
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Global Routing Operations                                     
  T. Evens
 Internet-Draft                                              S. Bayraktar
 Updates: 7854 (if approved)                                  M. Bhardwaj
 Intended status: Standards Track                           Cisco Systems
-Expires: 18 July 2021                                         P. Lucente
+Expires: 28 August 2021                                       P. Lucente
                                                       NTT Communications
-                                                         14 January 2021
+                                                        24 February 2021
          Support for Local RIB in BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP)
-                    draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-09
+                    draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-10
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Status of This Memo
    time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
    material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
-   This Internet-Draft will expire on 18 July 2021.
+   This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 August 2021.
 Copyright Notice
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ Copyright Notice
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 1]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 1]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ Table of Contents
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 2]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 2]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
 1.  Introduction
@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
                Figure 1: BGP peering Adj-RIBs-In into Loc-RIB
-   As shown in Figure 2, Locally originated section 9.4 of [RFC4271]
-   follows a similar flow where the redistributed or otherwise
-   originated routes get installed into the Loc-RIB based on the
-   decision process selection.
+   Figure 2 (Locally Originated into Loc-RIB) illustrates how
+   redistributed or otherwise originated routes get installed into the
+   Loc-RIB based on the decision process selection in RFC 4271
+   [RFC4271].
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 3]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 3]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
       metrics.  While it is possible to obtain the IGP topology
       information using BGP-LS, it requires the application to implement
       SPF and possibly CSPF based on additional policies.  This is
-      overly complex for such a simple application that only needed to
+      overly complex for such a simple application that only needs to
       have access to the Loc-RIB.
    *  It is common to see frequent changes over many BGP peers, but
       those changes do not always result in the router's Loc-RIB
       changing.  The change in the Loc-RIB can have a direct impact on
       the forwarding state.  It can greatly reduce time to troubleshoot
-      and resolve issues if operators had the history of Loc-RIB
+      and resolve issues if operators have the history of Loc-RIB
       changes.  For example, a performance issue might have been seen
       for only a duration of 5 minutes.  Post troubleshooting this issue
       without Loc-RIB history hides any decision based routing changes
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 4]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 4]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    *  Operators may wish to validate the impact of policies applied to
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 5]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 5]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
@@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
    peering session.  The BMP router then forwards Adj-RIB-In Pre-Policy
    to the BMP receiver.
-   The current method introduces the need for additional resources:
+   BMP lacking access to Loc-RIB introduces the need for additional
+   resources:
    *  Requires at least two routers when only one router was to be
@@ -332,10 +333,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 
 January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 6]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 6]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    *  Requires additional BGP peering to collect the received updates
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
       peers, segment routing egress peer engineering where no peers have
       link-state address family enabled.
-   Complexities introduced with current method in order to derive (e.g.
-   correlate) peer to router Loc-RIB:
+   Complexities introduced by the lack of access to Loc-RIB in order to
+   derive (e.g. correlate) peer to router Loc-RIB:
    *  Adj-RIB-Out received as Adj-RIB-In from another router may have a
       policy applied that filters, generates aggregates, suppresses more
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 7]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 7]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
-   *  BGP Instance: it refers to an instance of an instance of BGP-4
+   *  BGP Instance: refers to an instance of an instance of BGP-4
       [RFC4271] and considerations in section 8.1 of [RFC7854] do apply
       to it.
@@ -437,19 +437,22 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
 4.2.  Peer Flags
    In section 4.2 of [RFC7854], the "locally sourced routes" comment
-   under the L flag description is removed.  Locally sourced routes MUST
-   be conveyed using the Loc-RIB instance peer type.
+   under the L flag description is removed.  If locally sourced routes
+   are communicated using BMP, they MUST be conveyed using the Loc-RIB
+   instance peer type.
-   The per-peer header flags for Loc-RIB Instance Peer type are defined
-   as follows:
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 8]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 8]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
+   The per-peer header flags for Loc-RIB Instance Peer type are defined
+   as follows:
                               0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                              |F|  Reserved   |
@@ -465,19 +468,20 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
 5.  Loc-RIB Monitoring
    The Loc-RIB contains all routes selected by the BGP protocol Decision
-   Process section 9.1 of [RFC4271].  These routes include those learned
-   from BGP peers via its Adj-RIBs-In post-policy, as well as routes
-   learned by other means section 9.4 of [RFC4271].  Examples of these
-   include redistribution of routes from other protocols into BGP or
-   otherwise locally originated (ie. aggregate routes).
+   Process as described in section 9.1 of [RFC4271].  These routes
+   include those learned from BGP peers via its Adj-RIBs-In post-policy,
+   as well as routes learned by other means as per section 9.4 of
+   [RFC4271].  Examples of these include redistribution of routes from
+   other protocols into BGP or otherwise locally originated (ie.
+   aggregate routes).
    As mentioned in Section 4.2 a subset of Loc-RIB routes MAY be sent to
    a BMP collector by setting the F flag.
 5.1.  Per-Peer Header
-   All peer messages that include a per-peer header MUST use the
-   following values:
+   All peer messages that include a per-peer header section 4.2 of
+   [RFC7854] MUST use the following values:
    *  Peer Type: Set to 3 to indicate Loc-RIB Instance Peer.
@@ -490,20 +494,16 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                
  January 2021
       The V flag is not applicable with Loc-RIB Instance peer type
       considering addresses are zero-filed.
-   *  Peer AS: Set to the BGP instance global or default ASN value.
+   *  Peer AS: Set to the primary router BGP ASN.
    *  Peer BGP ID: Set to the BGP instance global or RD (e.g.  VRF)
       specific router-id section 1.1 of [RFC7854].
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                  [Page 9]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                 [Page 9]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    *  Timestamp: The time when the encapsulated routes were installed in
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
    *  Remote Port: Set to 0, remote port is not applicable.
    *  Sent OPEN Message: This is a fabricated BGP OPEN message.
-      Capabilities MUST include 4-octet ASN and all necessary
+      Capabilities MUST include the 4-octet ASN and all necessary
       capabilities to represent the Loc-RIB route monitoring messages.
       Only include capabilities if they will be used for Loc-RIB
       monitoring messages.  For example, if add-paths is enabled for
@@ -557,9 +557,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 10]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 10]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    Multiple TLVs of the same type can be repeated as part of the same
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
    to BMP receivers.  With state compression, only the final resultant
    updates are sent.
-   For example, prefix is updated in the Loc-RIB 5 times
+   For example, prefix is updated in the Loc-RIB 5 times
    within 1 second.  State compression of BMP route monitor messages
    results in only the final change being transmitted.  The other 4
    changes are suppressed because they fall within the compression
@@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 11]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 11]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
 5.5.  Route Mirroring
@@ -669,9 +669,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 12]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 12]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
 6.1.2.  Filtering Loc-RIB to BMP Receivers
@@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 13]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 13]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
 8.3.  Peer UP Information TLV
@@ -781,9 +781,9 @@ Authors' Addresses
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 14]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 14]
-Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  January 2021
+Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                 February 2021
    Seattle, WA 98121
@@ -837,4 +837,4 @@ Internet-Draft                 BMP Loc-RIB                  
January 2021
-Evens, et al.             Expires 18 July 2021                 [Page 15]
+Evens, et al.            Expires 28 August 2021                [Page 15]
diff --git a/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.xml 
index e0ff7da..4009918 100644
--- a/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.xml
+++ b/draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib.xml
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
 <?rfc sortrefs="yes" ?>
 <?rfc compact="yes" ?>
 <?rfc subcompact="no" ?>
-<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; category="std" 
docName="draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-09" ipr="trust200902" 
submissionType="IETF" updates="7854" obsoletes="" xml:lang="en" 
tocInclude="true" tocDepth="4" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3">
+<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; category="std" 
docName="draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib-10" ipr="trust200902" 
submissionType="IETF" updates="7854" obsoletes="" xml:lang="en" 
tocInclude="true" tocDepth="4" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3">
   <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.3.0 -->
     <title abbrev="BMP Loc-RIB">
             Support for Local RIB in BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP)</title>
-    <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" 
+    <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" 
     <author fullname="Tim Evens" initials="T" surname="Evens">
       <organization>Cisco Systems</organization>
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
-        As shown in <xref target="FigLocallyOriginated" format="default"/>, 
Locally originated
-               <xref target="RFC4271" format="default">section 9.4 of</xref> 
follows a similar flow where the
-               redistributed or otherwise originated routes get installed into 
the Loc-RIB
-               based on the decision process selection.
+        <xref target="FigLocallyOriginated" format="default"/> (Locally 
Originated into Loc-RIB)
+       illustrates how redistributed or otherwise originated routes get 
installed into the
+       Loc-RIB based on the decision process selection in
+       <xref target="RFC4271" format="default">RFC 4271</xref>.
       <figure anchor="FigLocallyOriginated">
         <name>Locally Originated into Loc-RIB</name>
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
                         information using BGP-LS, it requires the application 
                         implement SPF and possibly CSPF based on additional 
                         This is overly complex for such a simple application 
that only
-                        needed to have access to the Loc-RIB.
+                        needs to have access to the Loc-RIB.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
                         those changes do not always result in the router's 
                         changing. The change in the Loc-RIB can have a direct 
                         on the forwarding state. It can greatly reduce time to
-                        troubleshoot and resolve issues if operators had the 
history of
+                        troubleshoot and resolve issues if operators have the 
history of
                         Loc-RIB changes. For example, a performance issue 
might have
                         been seen for only a duration of 5 minutes. Post
                         troubleshooting this issue without Loc-RIB history 
hides any
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@
                     router then forwards Adj-RIB-In Pre-Policy to the BMP 
-                    The current method introduces the need for additional 
+                    BMP lacking access to Loc-RIB introduces the need for 
+                   resources:
         <ul spacing="normal">
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
-                    Complexities introduced with current method in order to 
-                    (e.g. correlate) peer to router Loc-RIB:
+                    Complexities introduced by the lack of access to Loc-RIB in
+                   order to derive (e.g. correlate) peer to router Loc-RIB:
         <ul spacing="normal">
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
       <ul spacing="normal">
-                       BGP Instance: it refers to an instance of an instance 
of BGP-4 <xref target="RFC4271" format="default"/>
+                       BGP Instance: refers to an instance of an instance of 
BGP-4 <xref target="RFC4271" format="default"/>
                        and considerations in <xref target="RFC7854" 
format="default">section 8.1 of</xref> do apply to it.
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@
         <name>Peer Flags</name>
             In <xref target="RFC7854" format="default">section 4.2 of</xref>, 
the "locally sourced routes"
-            comment under the L flag description is removed.  Locally sourced 
routes MUST
-            be conveyed using the Loc-RIB instance peer type.
+            comment under the L flag description is removed. If locally 
sourced routes are communicated
+           using BMP, they MUST be conveyed using the Loc-RIB instance peer 
             The per-peer header flags for Loc-RIB Instance Peer type are 
@@ -428,13 +428,12 @@
     <section numbered="true" toc="default">
       <name>Loc-RIB Monitoring</name>
-               The Loc-RIB contains all routes selected by the BGP protocol 
Decision Process
-               <xref target="RFC4271" format="default">section 9.1 of</xref>. 
These routes include those learned
-               from BGP peers via its Adj-RIBs-In post-policy, as well as 
routes learned by
-               other means <xref target="RFC4271" format="default">section 9.4 
of</xref>. Examples of these
-               include redistribution of routes from other protocols into BGP 
or otherwise
-               locally originated (ie. aggregate routes).
+               The Loc-RIB contains all routes selected by the BGP protocol 
Decision Process as
+               described in  <xref target="RFC4271" format="default">section 
9.1 of</xref>. These
+               routes include those learned from BGP peers via its Adj-RIBs-In 
post-policy, as
+               well as routes learned by other means as per <xref 
target="RFC4271" format="default">section 9.4 of</xref>.
+               Examples of these include redistribution of routes from other 
protocols into BGP
+               or otherwise locally originated (ie. aggregate routes).
                As mentioned in <xref target="PeerFlags" format="default"/> a 
subset of Loc-RIB routes MAY be
@@ -443,8 +442,8 @@
       <section numbered="true" toc="default">
         <name>Per-Peer Header</name>
-            All peer messages that include a per-peer header MUST use the
-            following values:
+            All peer messages that include a per-peer header <xref 
target="RFC7854" format="default">section 4.2 of</xref>
+           MUST use the following values:
         <ul spacing="normal">
@@ -457,22 +456,22 @@
                 unique locally defined value of the particular instance the 
Loc-RIB belongs to.
-                           Peer Address: Zero-filled.  Remote peer address is 
not applicable.
-                           The V flag is not applicable with Loc-RIB Instance 
peer type
-                           considering addresses are zero-filed.
+               Peer Address: Zero-filled.  Remote peer address is not 
+               The V flag is not applicable with Loc-RIB Instance peer type
+               considering addresses are zero-filed.
-                Peer AS: Set to the BGP instance global or default ASN value.
+                Peer AS: Set to the primary router BGP ASN.
                 Peer BGP ID: Set to the BGP instance global or RD (e.g. VRF)
                 specific router-id <xref target="RFC7854" 
format="default">section 1.1 of</xref>.
-                           Timestamp: The time when the encapsulated routes 
were installed in
-                           The Loc-RIB, expressed in seconds and microseconds 
since midnight
-                           (zero hour), January 1, 1970 (UTC).  If zero, the 
time is unavailable.
-                           Precision of the timestamp is 
+               Timestamp: The time when the encapsulated routes were installed 
+               The Loc-RIB, expressed in seconds and microseconds since 
+               (zero hour), January 1, 1970 (UTC).  If zero, the time is 
+               Precision of the timestamp is implementation-dependent.
@@ -495,7 +494,7 @@
                 Sent OPEN Message: This is a fabricated BGP OPEN message.
-                Capabilities MUST include 4-octet ASN and all necessary
+                Capabilities MUST include the 4-octet ASN and all necessary
                 capabilities to represent the Loc-RIB route monitoring 
                 Only include capabilities if they will be used for Loc-RIB
                 monitoring messages.  For example, if add-paths is enabled for
@@ -587,7 +586,7 @@
             final resultant updates are sent.
-            For example, prefix is updated in the Loc-RIB 5 times
+            For example, prefix is updated in the Loc-RIB 5 times
             within 1 second. State compression of BMP route monitor messages
             results in only the final change being transmitted. The other 4
             changes are suppressed because they fall within the compression
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