Dear Jakob,

On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 02:10:24AM +0000, Jakob Heitz (jheitz) wrote:
> Job, your suggestion kicks a different goal than
> draft-ietf-grow-route-leak-detection-mitigation does.

Yes, I'm aware I am suggesting a different approach to solve the problem
of route leaks.

> draft-ietf-grow-route-leak-detection-mitigation tries to determine
> if your neighbor leaked the route to you.
> To do that, you need to know how your neighbor received the route
> before he sent it to you.
> That's what the ASN in the LC is for.

Right, so my proposal is that the neighbor does not (knowingly) leak 
routes to you, negating the need to additionally tag routes with more
information than "this route is intended for not-for-peers (Down Only)"

I believe the Section 6 'Only To Customer' Attribute described in can be
implemented using the existing well-known NOPEER Attribute.

Kind regards,


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