Dear GROW,

The authors of draft-francois-grow-bmp-loc-peer asked whether GROW
working group could consider adoption of the internet-draft.

This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
internet-draft should be adopted.

Title: BMP Loc-RIB: Peer address
   BMP Loc-RIB lets a BMP publisher set the Peer Address value of a path
   information to zero.  This document introduces the option to
   communicate the actual peer from which a path was received when
   advertising that path with BMP Loc-RIB.

The Internet-Draft can be found here:

Please share with the mailing list if you are think this work should be
adopted by GROW, willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to this

WG Adoption call ends November 7th, 2023.

Kind regards,

Job / Chris
GROW co-chairs

GROW mailing list

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