From: GROW <> on behalf of Job Snijders 
Sent: 06 December 2023 15:42

Dear GROW,

The author of draft-pels-grow-yang-bgp-communities asked whether the
GROW working group could consider adoption of their internet-draft.

This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
internet-draft should be adopted.

Title: YANG Module for BGP Communities
  This document provides a YANG module for describing BGP communities.


Well, no, it is not aYANG module and I am not clear why it should be.

It is a data model that uses some of the constructs of RFC7950 but then 
re-invents the wheel where the YANG community has already provided additional 
data types for common types that appear in the work of the IETF.

A YANG data model is for operations, management, monitoring and I do not see 
why and when such actions are needed for a BGP community.

I do not see a problem for which this is a solution; I wonder if those reading 
this I-D will each project their own specific ideas onto this model rendering 
it difficult, impossible even, to converge on a specific solution.

Tom Petch

The Internet-Draft can be found here:

Please share with the mailing list if you would like this work to be
adopted by GROW, are willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to
this draft!

WG Adoption call ends January 6th, 2024.

Kind regards,

Job / Chris
GROW co-chairs

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