Jinming Li,

A few comments on your proposed counters:

Are your "route threshold" counters intended to cover route discards or only 
routes that are retained in the adj-ribs-in and automatically rejected because 
they exceed a configured limit?

If the case is intended to cover discards as well, a gauge is probably not the 
correct type for this.  You can only keep a gauge for state that you know comes 
and goes.  Discards can be counted (counter type), but not tracked on a 
per-prefix basis without keeping the prefix.

For your license restriction count, I understand the use case.  However, I have 
some concerns that the counter is clear in a vendor neutral fashion.  And, 
similar to the comments above, if this is intended to cover cases where routes 
are discarded along with the case for keeping the routes a counter may be a 
more appropriate type.

For the as-path length threshold, please restructure the reference to RFC 4271. 
 As written, it looks like the citation is intending to say such threshold 
lengths are a feature of that RFC.  They are not.

The RPKI counters will be popular!  Please consider socializing these counters 
with the sidrops group.

Please also be aware that for adj-ribs-out for rpki that RFC 8893 might change 
the behavior somewhat.

-- Jeff

> On Feb 26, 2024, at 8:24 PM, 李金铭 <lijinm...@chinamobile.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have submitted a new Internet-Draft draft-liu-grow-bmp-stats-reports-00 
> which is about BMP Statistics Types.
> As the BGP protocol continues to expand, more and more functional features 
> are implemented through the BGP protocol, which adds more event information 
> to monitor these functional features.This document lists some new statistics 
> types to update RFC 7854 for growing BGP features.
> The New BMP statistics types are used by the monitoring station to observe 
> more interesting events that occur on the router.  
> New types Include RIB-IN Statistics Types for Route Threshold, RIB-IN/RIB-OUT 
> Statistics Types for AS-Path Length Threshold, and RIB-IN/RIB-OUT Statistics 
> Types for Route Origin Validation. 
> If you have some comments and suggestions, please provide feedback.
> The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-liu-grow-bmp-stats-reports/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-liu-grow-bmp-stats-reports/>
> Best regards,
> Jinming Li
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