Dear gRPC Maintainers,

in my experience it is presently still very challenging to get gRPC for 
working on Apple's M1 Platform ("Apple Silicon"). There have been various 
issues on github (see [1][2][3][4][5][6] for a partial collection of the 
regarding this, so I think many other members of the open source community
are facing very similar challenges.

This becomes increasingly more important as more open source projects are
building on top of gRPC, and each of these projects is inheriting all the
challenges around getting Python gRPC working on M1.

The issues are mainly about compiling gRPC and its dependencies (including
boringssl, zlib etc.) from the provided gRPC Python source distibutions. 
One possibility
to make this massively easier would be for Google/the gRPC team to provide 
wheels for Python gRPC on M1 -- this would completely remove this set of 
points for everybody. Currently there are lots of different workarounds 
that all
break in subtle and frustrating ways on different configurations.

I'm specifically asking on behalf of the Ray project 
currently we have to provide specialized instructions [7] to support M1 
because there
are no gRPC M1 wheels (we basically have to fall back on conda's binary 
which forces everybody to use conda).

You could improve the lives of everybody relying on Python gRPC on M1 
greatly by
shipping M1 gRPC wheels on pypi, so people won't need to worry about 
getting a
working gRPC distribution.

Just wanted to get the discussion started and make sure this is on your 
radar and
check if there are plans for supporting it :)

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for making a lot of 
high quality
open source software available (e.g. gRPC, absl, bazel, K8s, TensorFlow) -- 
these are all
great to use, extremely well engineered and very useful enhancements of the
open source ecosystem!

All the best and thanks for your help,

[4] (similar problems for Ruby)

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