We have not experienced this issue for the past several days. We've updated 
the grpc-java libs on both sides(client/server) to v1.51.1. Here are the 
HTTP headers:

2023-02-02 02:30:19,985 DEBUG [GRPC worker, id #3] netty.NettyServerHandler 
- [id: 0x408a80cd, L:/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443 - R:/yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:64339] 
INBOUND HEADERS: streamId=3 headers=GrpcHttp2RequestHeaders[:path: 
/com.xxx.yyy.grpc.service.v1.XxxService/Connect, :authority: 
xxx.yyy.com:8443, :method: POST, :scheme: https, te: trailers, 
content-type: application/grpc, user-agent: grpc-java-netty/1.51.1, 
traceparent: 00-9a43474eb67253ba175f03f6a4440250-cae6829dd96d83f5-01, 
grpc-accept-encoding: gzip] streamDependency=0 weight=16 exclusive=false 
padding=0 endStream=false

2023-02-02 02:30:20,254 DEBUG [GRPC worker, id #3] netty.NettyServerHandler 
- [id: 0x408a80cd, L:/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443 - R:/yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:64339] 
OUTBOUND HEADERS: streamId=3 headers=GrpcHttp2OutboundHeaders[:status: 200, 
content-type: application/grpc, grpc-encoding: identity, 
grpc-accept-encoding: gzip] padding=0 endStream=false

Will post an update if it happens again.
On Friday, January 27, 2023 at 7:39:39 PM UTC+2 sanjay...@google.com wrote:

> On Friday, January 27, 2023 at 2:06:28 AM UTC-8 chris...@gmail.com wrote:
> ...
> It might not be the reason though (the error was on the server-side), 
> since the API says: 
> *Enables full-stream decompression of inbound streams. This will cause the 
> channel's outboundheaders to advertise support for GZIP compressed streams, 
> and gRPC servers which support the feature may respond with a GZIP 
> compressed stream.*
> Yes, it looks unrelated so I am going to ignore it.
> > Can you enable debug/trace logging to see the value of the 
> "grpc-encoding"  header for the offending RPC? That will give us some idea 
> whether you need to use a custom decompressor registry.
> Could you please provide more info of how to do that? 
> At present we have such logging config:
> <logger name="io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty">
>   <level value="debug"/>
>   <appender-ref ref="GrpcCoreAppender"/>
> </logger>
> which produces log like that (no "grpc-encoding"  header in it):
> DEBUG netty.NettyServerHandler - [id: 0x9f841cd8, L:/xxx:8443 - 
> R:/yyy:43421] INBOUND PING: ack=false bytes=1234
> DEBUG netty.NettyServerHandler - [id: 0x9f841cd8, L:/xxx:8443 - 
> R:/yyy:43421] OUTBOUND PING: ack=true bytes=1234
> DEBUG netty.NettyServerHandler - [id: 0x9f841cd8, L:/xxx:8443 - 
> R:/yyy:43421] OUTBOUND DATA: streamId=3 padding=0 endStream=false 
> length=249 
> bytes=00000000c708820610f8dc9594df30186b22b8010a0732353233363432120d6f706f732d3239373535316333180120033a06455552555344420b313030323432...
> DEBUG netty.NettyServerHandler - [id: 0x9f841cd8, L:/xxx:8443 - 
> R:/yyy:43421] INBOUND DATA: streamId=3 padding=0 endStream=false length=48 
> bytes=000000002b08e00110fbdc9594df301804221d0a0732353233363432120c6f72642d3239373735316333180220012803
> The headers appear in a log message like this:
> Aug 26, 2022 5:21:53 PM 
> io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameLogger 
> logHeaders
> FINE: [id: 0x22c81f9d, L:/xx.xx.x.xx:50052 - R:/yy.yyy.yy.yyy:42068] 
> INBOUND HEADERS: streamId=1 headers=GrpcHttp2RequestHeaders[:path: 
> /grpc.health.v1.Health/Check, :authority: 
> [qqq:qqqq:qqq:qq:qq:qqqq:qqq:qqq]:50052, :method: POST, :scheme: http, te: 
> trailers, goog-outboundacl-exempt: true, grpc-trace-bin: 
> grpc-tags-bin: AAAKb3JpZ2luYXRvchhjbG91ZC1nZmUtcHJvZC1kZWRpY2F0ZWQ, 
> content-type: application/grpc, user-agent: grpc-c++/1.40.0-dev 
> grpc-c/18.0.0 (linux; chttp2), grpc-accept-encoding: identity,deflate,gzip, 
> accept-encoding: identity,gzip, grpc-timeout: 4510m] padding=0 
> endStream=false
> - looks like you need to enable FINE logging for 
> io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.netty (you have DEBUG for 
> io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty which is not enough)
> - there is no grpc-encoding header in my example snippet either but I 
> would like to see what you have in yours when the error happens then I will 
> analyze the code further

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