On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Michal Suchanek <hramr...@centrum.cz> wrote:
> There are panels above it so it is not left to right.
> The margin should increase the outer size of the widget so that when
> space is allocated for it the margin is taken into account but not
> stick it to the bottom. That's what alignment (valign) is for.


To add space between widgets whose location is calculated by layout
manger, use hspace and vspace, margin_bottom is used to indicate that
widget is sticky to the south border and therefore not determined by
the layout manger.

> A width=100%, margin_left=3, margin_right=3 widget should occupy the
> available width minus 6 characters.

margin_left=3, margin_right=3 already means the widget would occupy
the available width minus 6 characters, don't use width=100% as well
otherwise it'd confuse the menu system.

The percentage is calculated using parent panel, for example, if
parent panel width is 10, margin_left=3, margin_right=3 would generate
a width of 4, but 100% calculated as 10, they're different.


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