> I am suggesting an interface that allows style commands like
> style {
> (class==button).(text==OK) { <style> }
> (class==dialog).<nothing here>.(class=button) { <style> }
> (class==buttonbar) { direction = right_to_left }
> (class==button) {
>  border_top = button_top
>  border_left = button_left
>  ...
> }
> }

I don't like this.  It's a unit testing nightmare. Matter of fact, so
is auto-layout.  I don't want my bootloader to be a web browser.  I
want it to be reliable and load fast.

At the very least, please keep the actual boot sequencing (the stuff
equivalent to menu.lst of grub-0.97) separate and let the GUI stuff
incorporate them by reference.  Then provide a hotkey (e.g. hold 'R'
during boot) to skip all GUI (and I mean skip everything configurable,
not just text vs graphics) and provide a simple selection with no
nesting, no icons, no borders, no fonts, no colors, no multiple lists,
just everything in one big scrollable list, with access to the command

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