
2009/10/17 Bean <bean12...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Update:
> Add sub menu support, generate widgets dynamically using menu entries.

The example is very complex and I don't quite understand what is the
advantage of this baroque scheme over generating the menus in grub.d
in files like 00_header or 10_linux.

For example, each menuentry for loading a linux kernel is generated by
a function in 10_linux which in turn calls functions from
grub-mkconfig_lib. Thus it is possible to create arbitrarily complex
menu entries without additional C code in grub or user-edited
configuration. I don't see why these shell scripts cannot include all
the panels and stuff needed for the new menu and have to be generated
by C code in grub.

> Now grub.cfg should look like this:
> menuentry "AAA" {
>  set root=(hd0,1)
>  chainloader +1
> }
> menuentry "BBB" --class ubuntu {
>  true
> }
> . /menu/menu.cfg
> The menu have three items, AAA, BBB and Tools, which is a menu
> appended in menu.cfg.
> Tools are a submenu, its content is defined using menu section:
> menu {
>  Tools {
>    "Toggle Mode" {
>      command = menu_toggle_mode
>    }
>    "Terminal" {
>      command = "menu_popup term_window"
>    }
>    "Change Theme" {
>      Default {
>        command="load_config /menu/blue.txt\nmenu_refresh"
>      }
>      Green {
>        command="load_config /menu/green.txt\nmenu_refresh"
>      }
>      White {
>        command="load_config /menu/white.txt\nmenu_refresh"
>      }
>    }
>    "Layout Demo" {
>      command = "menu_popup layout_test"
>    }
>    Halt {
>      command = "halt"
>    }
>    Reboot {
>      command = "reboot"
>    }
>  }
> }
> merge_config command would append this with user defined menu items.
> The screen section is very simple now:
> screen {
>  panel {
>    extend = 1
>    valign = center
>    halign = center
>    panel {
>      class = frame
>      id = __menu__
>    }
>  }
> }

So you invent a new property here just to bind the menu to a panel. If
you insist then screen should be a panel { id = __screen__ }.

> command menu_create would scan screen for id __menu__, and add widgets
> according to the menu content. The generated widget entry looks like
> this:
> panel
> {
>  class = select
>  command = COMMAND
>  image { class =  CLASS }
>  text { text = TITLE }
> }

And if I want a slightly different structure I have to patch and
recompile grub. I also wonder how do you specify the image bitmap here
because it's the sole content of the image so it should not be
specified by style.

> The submenu is this:
> panel
> {
>  class = frame
>  command = "menu_popup -r menu_tree N"
> }

I have no idea what the above is supposed to mean. Care to explain?



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