On 29 January 2010 11:26, Georgy Buranov <georgy.bura...@acronis.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I am now researching GRUB2 working on UEFI and I can't figure out even basic
> things. There is not much documentation in Wiki, so any help is appreciated.
> Note: My UEFI implementation is on 64bit Intel Motherboard, so it differs
> from Apple's EFI
> The basic questions are:
> ·         What about chainloading in grub2? Does it support loading another
> EFI loader? Particularly, I want to load Windows Boot Manager (in term of
> EFI that's EFI file) from GRUB?

On Apple EFI I can chainload just fine, this should be no different on UEFI.

> ·         What about  device names in grub2 for EFI? The problem  is that
> old device names were based on BIOS device names, and it seems that in EFI
> it's not the same. For example, what disk is hd0?

Unfortunately, the disk order is firmware specific and nothing can be
done about that. You should look at disk content or use UUIDs.

> ·         If it possible to exit grub with EFI ERROR to process loading the
> next loader?

Exiting grub is in itself an error, an OS loader should never end.
So look for some quit command.



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