I have a suggestion I’d like to have feedback on regarding the management of 
Linux kernel parameters.

Today the parameters for a Linux menu entry have to be specified in the 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry of /etc/default/grub. These parameters cover a number 
of purposes, not just the kernel (e.g. initrd, systemd etc). Changes need to be 
made for a variety of reasons and at different times, defining a new parameter 
(or changing an existing one) requires this single line to be updated. Doing so 
is awkward, to be idempotent you first have to check if the parameter is 
present, then you have to find the appropriate insertion point (some parameters 
are sensitive to ordering).

Many userspace subsystems today use a collection of dropin files in one or more 
directories which are then read in a well-defined order to create a final 
configuration definition. This has a number of advantages:

    * parameters can be grouped logically together

    * parameters can be packaged with their appropriate component

    * parameters can modified simply by updating a file (which can be done 

    * ordering can be indicated by the name of the file (usually with a two 
digit number prefix)

    * distinction can be made between distro defaults and values an 
administrator has chosen as overrides

This concept could be used by GRUB to build up the Linux kernel parameters 
dynamically when the config is generated.

Here’s an example:

The installer deploys the file /usr/lib/kernel.d/50-console.conf


as a distro default. An admin can choose to deploy 
/etc/kernel.d/55-serial-console.conf with


to add a serial console that’s the default instead.

An example of replacement (rather than extension), the kdump package could 
install the file /usr/lib/kernel.d/10-crashdump.conf


but the admin finds he needs more specific settings so he creates 
/etc/kernel.d/10-crashdump.conf with


in this scenario the file within /etc/kernel.d/ entirely replaces the file of 
the same name in /usr/lib/kernel.d/.

Files could also contain comments to explain their purpose.

Of course this could also be utilized by other bootloaders (and would therefore 
make management of parameters consistent across different platforms).

I have a proof of concept for a specific usecase. If there’s interest in this 
approach I can transform this into something more generic and send out a set of 

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