Hallo Gstat-folks:

Using ASCII data (XYZ) 
that was read from image data to generate semivarios I do always
receive semivarios that start with lag values of app. 3 or 5 
instead of 1.
It does only happen when directions other than 0, 90, or total
are used. I understand that it may be due to the different 
distances in diagonal directions in regular rastered datasets.
But it seems strange to me nevertheless as there should be sample pairs
that have distances of less than that. Especially as I use 
a horizontal tolerance of 5 degress but maybe this is not enough.
Maybe lagtolerance should be slightly increased as well ?

Has someone a crispy explanation? for my problem or a handy advice
for me ?

My command file looks like this:

data(fichte):'nd.ref1880-1-ndp1p2s1s2-sub03m.asc.clean', x=1, y=2, v=3;
method: semivariogram;

variogram(fichte): 50 Sph (4);
set fit=1;

set alpha= 104;
set tol_hor= 5;

set cutoff= 50;
set width= 1;

set debug=2;
set output ='nd.ref1880-1-ndp1p2s1s2-sub03m.asc.clean.est-perp104';
set logfile ='nd.ref1880-1-ndp1p2s1s2-sub03m.asc.clean.est-perp104.log';

Thanks in advance


MSc Sören Mathias Hese
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Inst. of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
Geoscience Remote Sensing  Rutherfordstr. 2     12489 Berlin
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // phone: +49 30 67055-429 FAX:340

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