Soeren Hese wrote:
> Hallo Gstat-folks:
> Using ASCII data (XYZ)
> that was read from image data to generate semivarios I do always
> receive semivarios that start with lag values of app. 3 or 5
> instead of 1.
> It does only happen when directions other than 0, 90, or total
> are used. I understand that it may be due to the different
> distances in diagonal directions in regular rastered datasets.


> But it seems strange to me nevertheless as there should be sample pairs
> that have distances of less than that. Especially as I use
> a horizontal tolerance of 5 degress but maybe this is not enough.


> Maybe lagtolerance should be slightly increased as well ?


> Has someone a crispy explanation? for my problem or a handy advice
> for me ?

Yes. Go on and try, you're almost there.

> data(fichte):'nd.ref1880-1-ndp1p2s1s2-sub03m.asc.clean', x=1, y=2, v=3;

Hey, I like your file naming!

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