Dear list,

I installed gnuplot and gstat on a SUN solaris 7.0 with same prefix
and then tried example 6.1, interactive variogram modelling of the gstat
user's manual.

gstat finds gnuplot but somehow the parameter list (better the first
command line)it passes on seems  flawed.
I attached the output below. 
My guess is that the 0 at the end of the first command line is the
trouble maker.
Anybody out there who can help me out??

Thanx in advance
BTW: happy new year!

Jens Nieschulze
Institut for Forest Biometrics 
University of Goettingen

 enter/modify data
 choose variable   : zinc
 calculate what    : semivariogram
 cutoff, width     : 4.01396, 0.267598
 direction         : total
 variogram model
 fit method
>show plot <Tab>  

                   Use arrow keys to move, <return> to choose, press `Q'
to quit
                    Press `?' for help on current field, `H' for other

         gnuplot> set term x11 0
                                                                line 0:
';' expected
line 0
: undefined variable: bottom

                            gnuplot> plot '-' using 4:5 title 'zinc'
with points pt 2
          can't open data file
                                       line 0: (No such file or

gnuplot>  2.67598  2.9435
7        1      2.9    54417
                                                line 0: invalid command

gnuplot> e

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