Dear Mr Pebesma, thanks again for giving us a free tool for
geostatistics like Gstat!
I've a question for you: I want to make variogram maps in sequence, and
I set only a mask map for my datas, because they cover the same area;
the code I use is the following:

data(sch): 'data.eas', x=3, y=4, v=1, average;
data(phk): 'data.eas', x=3, y=4, v=2, average;
method: semivariogram;
set mv = '-99';

Gstat makes me the maps I wanted but writes: 'Warning: variogram map
name not set', anyway I gave it the name and output maps are ok. What
does it mean? Where am I  wrong or I missed?
I send to you a copy of datas and map I used.
Thanks in advance for help!
Best wishes

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