The short answer is: use gstat/gnuplot on some unix/linux machine.

The long answer is: MS-Windows platforms don't support the use of
pipes, the mechanism gstat uses to call gnuplot normally. Although
the gnuplot FAQ (
mentions that pgnuplot can do this, I never got it working, so I 
don't distribute Win32 binaries with this feature.

If you're capable of experimenting with this, then I'm willing to
suggest the changes you'd have to make to the gstat source. I would
be glad if we could get this resolved.

Michael Bock wrote:
> Dear gstat users,
> starting to work with geostatistics and gstat causes many questions, but
> the most important one to me is, how to use gstat and gnuplot 3.7 in the
> right way. Every time I choose 'show plot' in gstat the gnuplot window
> starts with a 'gnuplot pause' message, while the gstat window isn't
> available. If I press the O.K. button, the gnuplot window dissappears
> and I'm back in gstat. This does not make sense!
> How can I configure gstat/gnuplot, so I can use both windows coexisting.

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