Nick Hamm wrote:
> Hi -- I've managed to get this working OK with Windows.
> You need to stick the gnuplot executable in the same directory as the
> gstat executable and bobs you're uncle.  make sure the gnuplot
> executable is called wgnuplot.exe

What exactly did you get working? (i) gstat showing gnuplot graphs, or
(ii) did you get a setup where gstat did not give complete control to
gnuplot and without the annoying "OK" button?

In case of option (ii), please give us some details on how you did this.

Michael Bock wrote:
> wgnuplot.exe and gstat are in the same direktory, but it doesn't work
> already. Is their beside the instruction "set gnuplot='wgnuplot';"
> anything necessary?

This instruction is obsolete, as it is allready the default on WIN32
platforms, IIRC. 

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