Deepti Malhotra wrote on 29/04/10 10:14:
> "/usr/local/globus-5.0.1/etc/globus_packages/globus_simple_ca_3f1d6fab_setup"
> mkdir: cannot create directory
> `/usr/local/globus-5.0.1/etc/globus_packages/globus_simple_ca_3f1d6fab_setup':
> Permission denied
Please, make sure that you performed all corresponding steps during GT
installation mentioned at
In particular,
"Create a user named globus. This non-privileged user will be used to
perform administrative tasks, deploying services, etc. Pick an
installation directory, and make sure this account has read and write
permissions in the installation directory.
[Tip]   Tip

You might need to create the target directory as root, then chown it to
the globus user:

# mkdir /usr/local/globus-5.0.1
# chown globus:globus /usr/local/globus-5.0.1

[Important]     Important

If for some reason you do not create a user named "globus", be sure to
run the installation as a non-root user. In that case, make sure to pick
an install directory that your user account has write access to. "

i.e. it looks like you need to execute the following command:
[root]$ chown -R globus:globus /usr/local/globus-5.0.1

Hope that helps,

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