Hi Steve,

first of all thanks for the quick reply. But I'm still confused about which 
command I should use. You're saying

> It is possible to use myproxy-get-delegation a.k.a myproxy-retrieve to get a 
> proxy from inside your job.

But myproxy-get-delegation and myproxy-retrieve are different commands. Did you 
mean "myproxy-get-delegation a.k.a myproxy-logon"?

About using a cron job... Do you happen to use Condor at Fermilab? If yes, why 
wouldn't you let Condor handle the proxy renewal? According to what I've been 
told in the Condor User List, it should be enough to specify the path to your 
local X509_USER_PROXY in the job description file in order for Condor to handle 
the renewal. But for some reason this is actually the point that doesn't work 
in my setup. And that's the reason why I'm trying to figure out how to do renew 
a proxy manually. By the way, by "it doesn't work" I actually mean that Condor 
for some reason only updates "Validity > Not Before" (= activiation date) in 
the proxy file and it doesn't update "Validity > Not After" (= expiration 
date). Do you have an idea what the problem could be?



Lukas Koschmieder
Steel Institute IEHK
RWTH Aachen University
Intzestraße 1
52072 Aachen
From: Steven C Timm <t...@fnal.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:12:49 PM
To: Koschmieder, Lukas; gt-user@lists.globus.org
Subject: Re: Renewing /tmp/x509up_u$UID

It is possible to use myproxy-get-delegation a.k.a myproxy-retrieve to get a 
proxy from inside your job.

If you use the -d (dn_as_username) option both to store and to retrieve the 
proxy then  you don't need a passphase,

the myproxy server will see the short lived proxy you already have and give you 
another one based on that.

It can be tricky to figure out the right combination of options to store and 
retrieve but it can be done.

At Fermilab what we do is set up a cron job behind the scenes to do this on 
behalf of the user.. the job submit

does a myproxy-logon under the covers to store a proxy, and then there is a 
cron that runs to do myproxy-retrieve

on a daily basis to put the actual short-lived proxy that the job will use.


From: gt-user <gt-user-boun...@lists.globus.org> on behalf of Koschmieder, 
Lukas <lukas.koschmie...@iehk.rwth-aachen.de>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 5:56:15 AM
To: gt-user@lists.globus.org
Subject: [gt-user] Renewing /tmp/x509up_u$UID


In http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/3.2/gsi/key/#delegation the GSI 
delegation process is briefly described where an existing proxy_n can be used 
to sign an subsequent proxy_n+1.

Assuming that I've used myproxy-logon to created a local proxy_n 
/tmp/x509up_u$UID. How would I create a proxy_n+1? Am I supposed to use 
openssl? Or is there a globus command for that? My goal is to renew 
/tmp/x509up_u$UID without reentering the passphrase.

Best regards,

Lukas Koschmieder
Steel Institute IEHK
RWTH Aachen University
Intzestraße 1
52072 Aachen

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