Hi Sven,

> Am 16.04.2019 um 14:42 schrieb Sven Dyroff <s.dyr...@phytec.de>:
> Hello Nicolaus, 
> a) I emphasized NeronGPS because I cannot tell you if the associated timer 
> problem might be existent. I can only tell you that the navigation is still 
> working properly. 

Yes, that is correct. I do just add that the reason that it still works is the 
good GPS module we did choose.

> b) I'm still dreaming of having my GTA04A5 working with sound, properly. The 
> descriptions that Andreas Kemnade sent some months ago didn't help me, 
> because I'm not such deeply familiar with all the details and for this reason 
> I simply didn't understand most of what he meant. But if I understand the 
> whole situation correctly, then it's like this: 
> There're exactly three persons still interested in this project: 
>   - You, who always release new kernel versions, 

This mixes reason and consequences. I release new kernels for other reasons. 
But it benefits QtMoko as well.

>   - Andreas Kemnade, who practically uses the phone at his bicycle, 
>   - and me, who uses new software only when presented palatablely (in order 
> to be honest). 

+ more I known, who are not active on this list because they do not want to 
make public they still use their GTA04.

> All other members of this list are tinkering with many other tinkering phones 
> or are waiting for advertised phenomenal completely new phones that will 
> never come (like the Neo900), and for this reason are just diffusing the 
> whole movement in every imaginable direction. 
> That's simply much too little for keeping the project going forward...     
> :-( 

maybe no longer. As far as I know the Neo900 project has starved to death. And 
besides Librem 5 there is nothing new.

So let's people popup here and tell they want to help to continue QtMoko!


> Best regards 
>    Sven 
> Von:        "H. Nikolaus Schaller" <h...@goldelico.com> 
> An:        List for communicating with real GTA04 owners 
> <gta04-owner@goldelico.com> 
> Datum:        16.04.2019 14:22 
> Betreff:        Re: [Gta04-owner] NeronGPS still alive 
> Gesendet von:        "Gta04-owner" <gta04-owner-boun...@goldelico.com> 
> Hi Sven,
> > Am 16.04.2019 um 14:16 schrieb Sven Dyroff <s.dyr...@phytec.de>:
> > 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > to whom it may concern: 
> > 
> > QtMoko's NeronGPS of the GTA04A4 silently survived the GPS Week Rollover! 
> > 
> >     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Week_Number_Rollover_2019 
> > 
> > It's still working without any trouble!   \o/  \o/  \o/ 
> Great!
> Well, it is less the Neron software but the GPS module inside which
> is robust against week rollovers...
> Best regards and thanks for sharing this news,
> Nikolaus
> BTW: I am still dreaming of reviving QtMoko (e.g. Stretch/Buster compatible
> debian packages) but can't do that alone... So if there are enough people
> interested, we should work together.
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