I think this is a common problem.

Check out these other threads for two different approaches:

If you're looking for something totally simple, you should make sure
you know how to link tiddlers (use double square brackets [[My
Tiddler]] if there are spaces, otherwise just type it).  For each task
that is dependent, you can just put "this task has to wait for [[My
Tiddler]]" in the Content area of that dependent Action.

- Jason

On Mar 7, 2:26 pm, GammaStar <polyg...@mac.com> wrote:
> I have just started using MonkeyGTD and so far it seems to be just the
> ticket for organising my multi-project, short-term-memory-impaired
> work life.
> Within GTD it is possible to have an action be in a wait state, but it
> seems that it must be waiting for a //person//.  Is it possible to
> have an action wait for the completion of another action instead?
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