Hi there,

thank you all very much!!
This is just what makes mGTD even more useful.
I have just two remarks:
1) On the wikipage
> > If you're gonna write a summary, don't do it here -- do it on the 
> > wiki:http://tiddlywiki.org/index.php?title=MonkeyGTD/Customization_Guide/W...

the instructions do not really lead to functional version (I followed
the instructions given here in the posts)
My guess is that the final step (which is an earlier one here in the
posts) is somehow truncated.

2) I noticed in the dropdown-list, there is one item "New Action..."
but on clicking this, there is something generated, but it is not a
full blown action. Somehow I can find it via search, but it (the
tiddler presumably with this name) has no project associated and it is
not set to anything (next, waiting, future).
If I may I would like to suggest to open this newly created action
(from the "New Action..." of the dropdown-list) instantaneously as a
next-action of the same-project (I don't see any good way right now to
specify, thus one would have to adjust the action-type manually (if it
should be also a "future" action, not a "next") but next should
definetly be the default, don't you think?

I would like to here your suggestions, and please keep up the
excellent work, this is getting more fantastic! (I already infected
some of my friends with mGTD ;-) )

THX Arma

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