"Waiting actions by person"

Think of it more as

Waiting Actions (grouped by person).

Try adding a bunch of waiting actions and give some of them an associated
contact then it might make more sense.

A long time ago it used to be Waiting Actions by Context but then someone
suggested that context wasn't that useful for a waiting action (after all it
doesn't matter what your context is if you are waiting on some third party
or other events to transpire) but associated contact was in fact quite a
useful piece of information for waiting actions.

The fact that (No Contact) is a clickable link is not really by design. It
probably shouldn't be.

Just btw (and for more advanced users), if you seldom use contacts and just
want a flat list of waiting actions there then you can get it by modifying
the appropriate mgtdList in the !Project section of TagDashboards tiddler.
Remove the group:Contact param. Or you could change it back to group:Context
it that works better for you.


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:03 PM, colinchristensen <
colinchristen...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> I can't make sense out of the "waiting actions by person" list and
> tiddler creation at the bottn of a project tiddler.
> I was half expecting it to give me list of contacts I have. However,
> it simply lets me create a tiddler with a Waiting tag. Once created I
> can of course then indicate an associated contact which could imply
> being waited for I suppose. And then, after Ihave done it all, it
> reports to me "(No contact)", and hovering over it tells me I have no
> tiddler of that name, further making me suspect that I should have
> been able to indicate an existing contact tiddler which would then be
> listed there. What is it trying to tell me with "(No contact")?
> I think I'm having trouble generaly seeing the wood for the trees any
> time I need to flick something over to someone and then follow up
> later if they don't get back to me. I'm sure it will be obvious once I
> have grasped it but at this stage...
> Any ideas? Any examples on how others handle waiting on others or
> waiting on ither people?
> And finally - I get a "(No Contact)"
> >


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