I can't make sense out of the "waiting actions by person" list and
tiddler creation at the bottn of a project tiddler.

I was half expecting it to give me list of contacts I have. However,
it simply lets me create a tiddler with a Waiting tag. Once created I
can of course then indicate an associated contact which could imply
being waited for I suppose. And then, after Ihave done it all, it
reports to me "(No contact)", and hovering over it tells me I have no
tiddler of that name, further making me suspect that I should have
been able to indicate an existing contact tiddler which would then be
listed there. What is it trying to tell me with "(No contact")?

I think I'm having trouble generaly seeing the wood for the trees any
time I need to flick something over to someone and then follow up
later if they don't get back to me. I'm sure it will be obvious once I
have grasped it but at this stage...

Any ideas? Any examples on how others handle waiting on others or
waiting on ither people?
And finally - I get a "(No Contact)"

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