I hate to be a pain here.  But I don't know if I hosed something or

I found the backstage export to be convenient to export my archived
actions and projects and then delete them after I did the export.

I thought I was dumping data into a blank D3 file and I could look at
what I archived later.

It seems like everything was working correctly except when executed
export.html everything appeared as gibberish. (See below.  )

I wanted to keep track of completed projects and this seemed(at the
time) to be an efficient method of doing this.

Is there a way to get the export.html file to display properly?
If not, I suppose I should attempt to import data into a blank D3

Reading the D3 specific documentation I got the impression you could
backup a complete file with archive information and the purge the main
file of the archive.

I want to keep a file of just completed projects and actions.  I've
got to think that this  has been discussed, but for apparently, I
haven't stumbled on the magic search terms...


0,width:"1px",height:"1px",visibility:"hidden"};for(E in M){F.style[E]
I=0,H=0,F;if(this[0]){var G=this.offsetParent(),J=this.offset(),E=/
E.top,left:J.left-E.left}}return F},offsetParent:function(){var E=this
(E.tagName)&&o.css(E,"position")=="static")){E=E.offsetParent}return o
(E)}});o.each(["Left","Top"],function(F,E){var G="scroll"+E;o.fn[G]
=function(H){if(!this[0]){return null}return H!==g?this.each(function()
(I,G){var E=I?"Left":"Top",H=I?"Right":"Bottom",F=G.toLowerCase();o.fn
["inner"+G]=function(){return this[0]?o.css(this
[0],F,false,"padding"):null};o.fn["outer"+G]=function(K){return this
J=G.toLowerCase();o.fn[J]=function(K){return this[0]==l?
o.css(this[0],J):null):this.css(J,typeof K==="string"?K:K+"px")}})})
(); //]]>


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