On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 15:29 -0700, Michael L Torrie wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 14:26 -0700, Plummer, Jeff-P56711 wrote:
> > I am using the C# port of GTK+ on Windows XP, and I'm trying to write an
> > app that is skinnable.  Below is my simple test code that attempts to
> > set the theme of the window. It sets the theme for all the widgets
> > inside the main window, but it doesn't set the theme of the main window
> > (titlebar).  Does anyone have any ideas on how to setup the application
> > such that the entire application is in a given theme, including the
> > titlebar?
> I think we've been here before.  
> Window decorations are, on X11, a function of the window manager.  On
> windows, they are a function of, well, windows.  GTK has nothing
> directly to do with window decorations, other than to request a
> particular type of window.
> Why do you want your titlebar to be themed by GTK?

Maybe he remembers the cool looking themes that Enlightenment did, or
the various themes that Gnome's manager provides, confusing window
decoration themability that's the domain of window managers with the
button/label/etc. gui element themability of gtk.

  // Wally

Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT.  You feel sleepy.  Notice
how restful it is to watch the cursor blink.  Close your eyes.  The   
opinions stated above are yours.  You cannot imagine why you ever felt

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