On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:26 PM, <pwie...@trychlos.org> wrote:
> As I considered this rather as a waste of efforts, I am currently
> trying to suppress this GSList as the GtkTreeModel is actually all
> I need to manage all edition operations. But in this mode, the object
> reference has to be owned by the row.
> My problem is when the row is deleted. The only option I have found is :
> 1/ first retrieve the object attached to the row, and g_object_unref() it,
> 2/ only after that, ask the tree model to delete the row
> This is not very elegant, especially in a event-oriented environment.
> E.g., when emptying the view, I have first to walk through all the tree,
> g_object_unref-ing all objects, before being able to call 
> gtk_tree_store_clear().

I don't fully get the problem you are describing.  If I understand it
correctly, you have a tree model where each node points to a GObject.
Isn't it the case that when a row is destroyed that contains a
G_TYPE_OBJECT column, this will unref the value in that column?

> PS: if there is no other solution, don't you think that adding a 
> gtk_tree_model_row_about_to_delete() before each g_node_destroy()
> could do the trick in a future version ?

That said, yes the current row-deleted signal has its issues and in a
future version we will certainly be adding a "pre-row-deleted" signal
of some sort.


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