On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 04:02:01PM +0000, James Morris wrote:
> I have used Valgrind but as mentioned by numerous souls at numerous
> times in the past, a suppressions file is needed for GTK/GLIB. And
> creating a suppressions file is more work than actually writing the
> code of the program I'm trying to debug in the first place is.

Valgrind can generate suppressions, did you know?  Anyway, if you can
write your complete program in a few minutes then either you can code
extermely fast compared to mere mortals such as me or the program is so
simple that its correctness can be immediately verified by looking at
the source code.  The number of required suppressions varies between
something like five to a couple of dozens, depending on the parts of
Gtk+ and GLib used.


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